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Inspired from bubble gum shapes, Gampolins come with playful bubble shapes in a fun way.
Download Gampolins Fonts Family From Patria Ari |
Inspired from bubble gum shapes, Gampolins come with playful bubble shapes in a fun way.
Download Gampolins Fonts Family From Patria Ari |
Pain de Mie is a soft font, friendly and sweet, kinda creamy, kinda bubbly.
It's an all caps font with 2 different glyphs for each letter: easily access these through the keyboard upper or lower cases keys. Make them cycle with OpenType Contextual Alternates. There's also a handful of drawings to add an extra charm here and there. Reach these via OpenType Ornaments or pick your choices through a glyphs palette.
Like a fresh loaf of bread, Pain de Mie goes well in so many ways. Give it a try!